Background of our Founder
Our Founder, Kris Stewart MBA, BScN, RN, CPHR (Chartered Professional of Human Resources) has 30+ years of front line Registered Nursing experience and Leadership roles in acute, community, residential care in urban Canada and the USA, and remote isolated villages in the Canadian Arctic. She has held primarily contract positions and thus has worked in more than 50 workplaces. This has provided her with insight into workplace behaviours, and common workplace struggles for women. Her insights are combined with the work done by two notable researchers in the USA, Pat Heim PhD, and Susan Murphy PhD in their book "In the Company of Women: Why We Hurt Each Other" (with permission).
She not only understands the milieu in which health care staff work, but has experienced the negative effects of dysfunctional workplaces herself.
Her presentation and workshops address the root cause of the dysfunction, identify ways to mitigate dysfunctional women-only work groups, and presents ideas on how to create a Dream Team.