Welcome to "The Encultured Woman"
We offer presentations to work groups which include women, womens' groups, and for leaders who manage women.
Our work highlights the social origins of female to female conflict in the workplace. We discuss relationships, power, and self-esteem and bring to light how to find powerful friends and allies among women in the workplace, how to handle conflicts gracefully, how to be an effective leader and how to build a dream team.
Women are typically social beings with their identity gained from their social identity in groups. Our culture refuses women to have open conflict and this thus forces aggression into non-physical, indirect and covert forms of aggression. Notes by researchers, is the fact that when a woman gets promoted, it's usually another woman who covertly attacks her.
On site Presentations
We offer on-site one hour presentations that deal with woman to woman conflict in the workplace. Please purchase from our Shopping Cart or call with P.O.#
Half Day Workshop
We offer on site half day workshops for women participants who work with women, or managers that manage women work groups. Participants come away with tips on how to avoid conflict, how to work together constructively, and how to create a 'dream team'. Please purchase from our shopping cart, or call with P.O. #
We offer webinars on how to avoid women to women conflict in the workplace. This webinar is similar to "onsite presentations".
Webinars are purchased from our shopping cart or call with P.O.#